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The Do’s and Don’ts of Pet Travel

Courtesy of El Al National Airline


  • Do check the fees before you book a flight for you and your pet:  EL AL Airlines for instance has a pet frequent flier program (the only airline with a pet frequent flyer club for travel to Israel).  Look out for special perks i.e. EL AL’s pet frequent flier program rewards frequent pet travelers where after traveling on three roundtrip flights within a three-year period, pets earn a free roundtrip flight!
  • Do clip your pet’s nails before any flight. This reduces the chance of them getting hooked on the carrier door or other openings.
  • Do contact the appropriate embassy far in advance of your trip to learn about quarantine or health requirements.
  • Do put a sturdy collar with two identification tags on your pet. One tag for the animals’ home information and the other that includes the pets destination information.
  • Do always carry a current health certificate from your veterinarian, dated within 7 to 10 days of departure.


  • Don’t forget to have your pet exercise before the flight. Taking your pet for a quick jog or walk will help calm your pet before the flight so that they will sleep easier and be more comfortable.
  • Don’t feed your pet right before departure. You don’t want your pet to go hungry but you also do not want them to get an upset stomach, in case there is turbulence, we wouldn’t want them to lose their lunch...
  • Don’t wait until the last minute to purchase the appropriate travel kennel or pet carrier. Your pet will usually travel with greater ease if they have established a "nesting" type relationship with their carrier at home prior to the flight. Have your pet “try out” the carrier prior to the flight, so they feel an attachment to it beforehand.
  • Don’t give your pet tranquilizers before the flight.
  • Don’t neglect your pet. Make sure to give your pet plenty of love before and after the flight.

*The above are suggestions.  Be sure to always consult your veterinarian before flying.